Clean air at home is not a choice – but a necessity. This is because fresh and clean air free from pollutants can positively impact your overall health. Especially if you spend most of your time at home, you need to be extra cautious about the quality of the indoor air. However, if you’re curious about how breathing clean air can improve your health or lifestyle, here is everything you need to know.
1. Improves Respiratory Health
Airborne pollutants can cause you and your loved ones to develop respiratory health concerns. Especially if you experience long exposure to air polluted with dust mites, mould spores, and pet dander indoors, it can irritate your throat, cause coughing, and even lead to long-term health concerns. You can also get sick from household cleaning products or cooking fumes.
With the help of air purifiers, you can keep your home well-ventilated and breathe in fresh and clean air. The purifier traps the tiniest particles and filters them out, removing any irritant from indoor air. This improves your lung health and prevents several respiratory diseases, including chronic bronchitis.
2. Asthma Symptom Relief
Statistics show that around 2.8 million Australian individuals suffer from asthma, which is around 11% of the total population. If you or a loved one already has serious respiratory issues like asthma, poor indoor air quality can irritate the condition further.
Smoke, dust, pollen, and pet dander can make it difficult to breathe and cause chest tightness and wheezing.
When you can breathe cleaner air using a purifier, it prevents frequent asthma attacks and reduces asthma symptoms, ensuring better respiratory health for asthma patients.
3. Relief from Allergens and Irritants
Does anyone have allergies at home? Perhaps they are always sneezing, coughing, and suffering from itchy eyes.
These can happen from a range of air contaminants, including pet hair, dander, mould spores, bacteria, tobacco smoke, disinfectant fumes, pesticide fumes, dust, and dust mites.
By breathing clean and fresh air, you can say goodbye to these experiences and enjoy a healthier life.
4. Better Sleep Quality
Surprisingly, clean air breathing can also help improve sleep quality. Let’s understand how.
If the indoor air is polluted, it can cause breathing troubles, nasal congestion, and snoring. These can cause disruption in sleep. For instance, you might wake up repeatedly to clear your nose or cough.
On the other hand, clean breathing air ensures your airways are always clear. There’s no irritation, so no coughing at night. As a result, you get deep, restorative sleep free from disturbance every night.
In fact, households with several members experiencing sleep concerns are often recommended to use a standard air purifier with houseplants for improved sleep.
5. Improved Mood and Low Stress
Breathing clean air also has a positive impact on your mental health. Fresh air contains improved levels of oxygen, boosting serotonin production, which is a neurotransmitter that promotes positivity and happiness. Thus, it reduces stress levels and anxiety to a certain extent.
Elevated mood and low stress can also offer improved mental clarity and productivity. On the other hand, toxic air causes fatigue and brain fog. So, clean air can help you make better decisions and even perform better at school or work.
6. Enhanced Immunity
If your indoor air is full of pollutants, your immunity system will be consistently fighting against them to protect you from harmful particles. Over time, this can weaken your immunity, making it more challenging to fight off diseases and infections.
On the flip side, breathing clean air doesn’t burden your immunity consistently. Instead, your immunity can recharge and focus on overall health. Thus, your immunity is improved, ensuring you stay fit and recover faster from flu, colds, and other infections.
7. Healthy Skin
If you’re not aware, poor air quality can also leave a lasting impact on your skin. This can cause skin dryness and irritation, which are serious causes of premature aging.
When you breathe in clean air, it helps you protect your skin’s natural barrier. This reduces the chances of major irritations that lead to breakouts and skin inflammation.
Moreover, clean air keeps your skin hydrated, which makes you look radiant and bright. Improved air quality offers relief to people with eczema or psoriasis as well.
Breathing clean air can significantly reduce respiratory health concerns, relieve asthma, lessen allergy symptoms, and even elevate mental and skin health. So, invest in a high-quality air purifier today and reap all of the benefits now!