Promacta has multiple uses in medicine. The primary benefit of Promacta is in ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia), especially when other drugs or the removal of the spleen has not shown the intended result. Promacta works by increasing the platelet count and lowering the bleeding risk. Promacta can be given to anyone older than one year. In addition, Promacta is also prescribed if you are suffering from Severe Aplastic Anemia. Promacta has shown promising results in children above two years and adults. Lastly, Promacta is used for anyone with chronic hepatitis C. Promacta is available in oral tablet form and is easy to administer.
Promacta & Cost
The cost of Promacta 50 mg Oral Table is close to $5250 for a supply of two weeks. The cost can work out to be lower if your doctor has recommended dosage of 12.5 mg or 50 mg ($6250 for 30 day supply). In addition, you also have a 75 mg tablet available in Promacta. In the case of children, the oral tablets pose a risk of choking; hence, the oral powder for reconstitution is also available. The oral powder is available in 12.5 mg and 25 mg packs at $6250 for 30 day supply.
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Promacta Copay Assistance
Promacta has a copay assistance program to cover the cost of the treatment. You can reach out to the PANO program from Novartis, and they can guide you about the same. In addition, many people are eligible for a free 14-day dosage of Promacta. You can only get more information about the same after you fill PANO form. The copay assistance program can reduce the cost to $0 per year. Moreover, the annual capping is $15,000 per year.
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More Information
To know more about the Promacta copay assistance, please call 1 877 577 7756 or visit For a 14-day free trial program, please call 1 800 282 7630 or visit You can also explore the Novartis patient assistance foundation program by calling 1 800 277 2254 or visiting