When you think about you local bank, you might focus primarily on loans and checking and savings accounts, but you may be surprised to learn that your bank may offer a whole lot more. Read on to discover a few possibilities, and then ask at your bank.
Money Orders and Cashier’s Checks
Many banks provide money orders and cashier’s checks that allow you to make secure purchases. You might use one of these to pay a security deposit on an apartment, for instance, or to make a down payment on a house or car. There are fees involved, of course, and you should know that money orders cost less and are typically used for smaller transactions while cashier’s checks are generally reserved for major transactions.
Notary Public Services
If you need to have a document notarized to make it legal, see if your bank offers notary services Sarasota FL. Many banks offer such services for free to account holders, but call ahead to make sure that a qualified employee is available. Some banks also provide signature verification and guarantee services in which a bank employee will verify your identity, watch you sign a document and indicate that you are the one who has actually done so.
Safe Storage for Valuables
Perhaps you have some small items or documents of value that you don’t want to keep in your home. In that case, check with your bank about renting a safe deposit box. You can often choose the size you need, and you’ll have peace of mind that your valuables are secure.
Currency Exchange
Finally, ask your bank about currency exchange if you are planning international travel. Not all banks provide this service, but some do, and bank employees will at least be able to direct you to another exchange source.
Your bank offers more than loans and checking and savings accounts, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of other services as you need them.