In a world where so much information gets shared via text and email, you can easily forget the value of verbal communication. Understanding the proper etiquette for speaking on the phone has many benefits, whether you are trying to make a personal connection or build a long-term business relationship. Explore the following three important points of phone etiquette that people may have forgotten in a largely digital age.
Mind Your Tone While Speaking
Tone refers to your variation in pitch while speaking, and although tone may sound insignificant, it is a vital part of communication. But why exactly is tone so important?
Tone is a key part of your identity and it makes you unique. Perhaps more importantly, the right tone while speaking on the phone can help you build trust and establish the influence and authority you need to be persuasive. Indeed, tone — along with body language and the words you use — is a cornerstone of effective speaking.
Factors such as inflection, timbre, and pitch affect your tone. Although many of these qualities cannot be changed, you should be speaking with positive energy and enunciate as clearly as possible.
Here is another tip: During a conversation, match the tone of whomever you are speaking to on the phone. You can discover a range of benefits associated with this practice, such as building loyalty, demonstrating that you are listening, and showing your empathy. Matching the tone can also make up for the part of communication lost due to a lack of body language.
Speak With Confidence
Speaking with confidence is a big part of maintaining an effective tone and it will give you credibility on whatever subject you are discussing. The best way to be confident is to be knowledgeable about the material and to prepare ahead of time. You can also try the following techniques to maintain a confident disposition:
- Stand while you speak.
- Use a mirror so that you can see your face while you are on the phone.
- Smile while talking.
- Find a picture of the person you are talking to on a site such as LinkedIn.
While you are on the phone, speak strongly with sustained volume. Try not to rush, and articulate your words as clearly as possible to project your confidence as a speaker.
Be Honest
No matter how perfect your tone is, it will not matter if you are not authentic. Do not follow a script; focus your attention on the conversation. If you are at your desk, close browser tabs that you do not need, and do not read through emails while on the phone.
Using emotions can be an effective conversation technique, but they must be authentic. Share your passions when relevant, and tell stories sincerely when they can help you explain a point or further the conversation. If done honestly, this technique can help you build an emotional connection with the listener.
Communication is an incredibly powerful and complex tool — one that is easy to take for granted in a digital age. Following the tips above the next time you are on the phone can help put you on your way toward making a good first impression and communicating effectively.